
The /ticket global commands are used to interface with your support tickets

This global command has no functionality if you have no configured a support ticket container for your server. Support for creating a new ticket container through a command is not yet available

If you are looking for information on how to configure support tickets please use the link below

Support Panels (Tickets)

/ticket close

Must be executed in the channel that a ticket has been created in.

This command will close the ticket for the channel that it is executed in.

This command has no parameters.

/ticket open

Must be executed in the channel for a ticket that has been closed.

Only used when you have "Channel for Closed Tickets" selected for the ticket container used to create the ticket. This command will reopen a closed ticket and add the user back to the ticket as well as update the status.

This command has no parameters.

/ticket claim

Must be executed in the channel that a ticket has been created in.

The ticket container must have claiming configured. There is a switch in the support ticket feature area with this.

This will mark the command executor as the user which will handle this ticket.

This will remove all other users from the ticket that do not have administrator permissions.

This command has no parameters.

/ticket add-user <user>

Must be executed in the channel that a ticket has been created in.

This will add the given user to the ticket allowing them to have access to the channel and send messages.

Parameter NameTypeOptional


Discord User


/ticket remove-user <user>

Must be executed in the channel that a ticket has been created in.

This will remove the given user from the ticket. They will no longer be able to view this ticket channel.

Parameter NameTypeOptional


Discord User


/ticket transcript

Must be executed in the channel that a ticket has been created in.

Manually generates a transcript with the current channel messages. This process is automated once a ticket has been deleted or closed but this allows you to manually capture this information should you want to

This command has no parameters.

Last updated